right now we do not offer such application.
Although our programmers plan to work on one in the nearest future.
You may still login into your account via browser (ie. Chrome) on your mobile.
I need to issue bilingual invoices/documents in English and Hebrew. Can I create a custom dictionary or xlm file that could be used for this purpose?
if you want to delete an invoice, please go to Income>Invoice>mark checkbox on the left, near indicated invoice number>Delete.
Another way to delete an invoice is to click on invoice to see its preview, then click Delete.
the custom email templates option is included in the Enterprise subscription.
If you have any further questions, we are at your disposal.
Kind Regards
receive payment from my clients online suggestion New
we would like to receive payment from our clients online ,,we based in south africa ,,,
Hello, please take a look at the list of integrations with payment providers http://invoiceocean.com/integrations-and-extensions#payments - if they offer such payments, it will be possible to use auto-payments in InvoiceOcean.
oWaQq suggestion Resolved
Dzień dobry,
w czym mogę pomóc?
Change Date Format question Resolved
Would like to change the date format to be DD-MM-YYYY. How can I change or reset it in the system?
if you would like to change date format, please go to: Settings > Account Settings > Invoice numbering > Default format of invoice numbering.
(However if your query regards to the separator ('-') we do offer only '/'.)
tneis suggestion Resolved
Hello, how may we help you?
muno suggestion New
Hello, how may I help you?
0776958384 suggestion Resolved
how may I help you?
Android mobile app question Resolved
Hi im ready to buy but i cant see android apo in play store..pls help
right now we do not offer such application.
Although our programmers plan to work on one in the nearest future.
You may still login into your account via browser (ie. Chrome) on your mobile.
Softuware suggestion Resolved
Hello, how may I help you?
Softuwer suggestion Resolved
Hello, how may I help you?
Rosika sankar suggestion Resolved
Hello, how can I help you?
Rosika suggestion Resolved
Hello, how can I help you?
zzhhip suggestion Resolved
Dzień dobry,
w czym możemy pomóc?
himed suggestion New
Hello, how can I help you?
himed suggestion New
DEBIT NOTE suggestion Resolved
how can we help you?
Life suggestion Resolved
Dzień dobry,
proszę o przesłanie doprecyzownego zapytania.
Michał Borkowski
Specjalista ds. Obsługi Technicznej Klienta +48 22 307 33 42 michal.borkowski@fakturownia.pl
Pomoc do systemu Fakturownia:
Baza wiedzy: http://pomoc.fakturownia.pl
Forum sugestii: http://sugester.fakturownia.pl
invoice number question Resolved
In what cases does Invoice Ocean Void an existing invoice number? Can you get a listing of those voided invoices
could you please provide me with more details, some examples?
In InvoiceOcean you may edit invoice number unless it has already been fiscalized.
kind regards,
Michał Borkowski
Specjalista ds. Obsługi Technicznej Klienta +48 22 307 33 42 michal.borkowski@fakturownia.pl
Pomoc do systemu Fakturownia:
Baza wiedzy: http://pomoc.fakturownia.pl
Forum sugestii: http://sugester.fakturownia.pl
Bilingual Invoices Documents question New
I need to issue bilingual invoices/documents in English and Hebrew. Can I create a custom dictionary or xlm file that could be used for this purpose?
please contact me via email at maria@invoiceocean.com in order to add a new translation to our software.
Kind Regards
Delete an Invoice question Resolved
How to?
Dear Sirs,
if you want to delete an invoice, please go to Income>Invoice>mark checkbox on the left, near indicated invoice number>Delete.
Another way to delete an invoice is to click on invoice to see its preview, then click Delete.
Michał Borkowski
Michał Borkowski
e-mail: michal.borkowski@fakturownia.pl
25907 question Resolved
Dzień dobry,
proszę powiedzieć jak możemy pomóc?
Michał Borkowski
Michał Borkowski
e-mail: michal.borkowski@fakturownia.pl
parsad gurung suggestion Resolved
How may we help you?
thai lttey suggestion Resolved
How may we help you?
Kind regards,
add link and image in invoice mail template question New
I would like to add a link with a button of my facebook page in the email template.
Like for exemple : ''Like us on facebook''
Is this possible ?
Thank you very much.
the custom email templates option is included in the Enterprise subscription.
If you have any further questions, we are at your disposal.
Kind Regards
Footer question New
How to remove footer "InoiceOcean"?
Hello, the "InvoiceOcean" footer removal is an extra service and costs 20% of your subscription plan. We can issue a proforma invoice.
Dont Want to see the aids suggestion Resolved
Dont Want to see the aids