Hello, can you please tell me Since yesterday, when creating invoices, the box Additional note does not appear.
Hello, can you please tell me Since yesterday, when creating invoices, the box Additional note does not appear.
Thank you for using InvoiceOcean. Please check your account settings and check if. your Additional box in the invoice is activate. Follow the steps described in this document: https://help.invoiceocean.com/86587263-Additional-field-on-the-invoice
If you need further assistance, please contact info@invoiceocean.com
Thank you for using InvoiceOcean. Please check your account settings and check if. your Additional box in the invoice is activate. Follow the steps described in this document: https://help.invoiceocean.com/86587263-Additional-field-on-the-invoice
If you need further assistance, please contact info@invoiceocean.com
2024-10-10 13:56