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Warehouse documents - Acceptance of Goods (AG) = PZ - adding account's currency dispaly suggestion New

We are posting our invoices in EUR currency, however our company is based in Poland, hence all warehouse docs needs to be translated to PLN currency.
I would like to have a possibility to have PLN currency visible under my 'customize the column display'.
My account is done in PLN currency, hance I would like to have this possibility to add PLN currency ( or account currency) next to the original invoice currency in the PZ documnets display.

Total net (purchase) 100 EUR
Total Net (purchase) in account's currency - 442 PLN

This feature would make mine and mine accountants' life much easier ;-) and would help to catch fx rate incorrections faster

Anonymous 2024-12-18 14:54
Has the answer


Thank you for using InvoiceOcean.
If you generate your Acceptance of goods document- AG (PZ) directly from the invoice, the AG document will be in the currency of the invoice. If you would like to add the PLN vales to your warehouses documents, you can add these manually in the "Notes" under the "Seller's first and last name" option. This way this information will be visible in the "Column display" in your warehouse documents.
However, we cannot change the name "Notes" to "PLN currency" since these names are by default in the system and changing them will case all the accounts to have the same names.
If you want to add two currencies to your invoices, please follow the instructions described in this document: https://help.invoiceocean.com/99280664-Dual-currency-invoice-two-currencies-on-one-document-

If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


Has the answer   Hello,

Thank you for using InvoiceOcean.
If you generate your Acceptance of goods document- AG (PZ) directly from the invoice, the AG document will be in the currency of the invoice. If you would like to add the PLN values to your warehouses documents, you can add these manually in the "Notes" under the "Seller's first and last name" option. This way this information will be visible in the "Column display" in your warehouse documents.
However, we cannot change the name "Notes" to "PLN currency" since these names are by default in the system and changing them will affect all the accounts.
If you want to add two currencies to your invoices, please follow the instructions described in this document: https://help.invoiceocean.com/99280664-Dual-currency-invoice-two-currencies-on-one-document-

If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

2024-12-18 16:15

Avatar sugester medium
I am sorry, but adding something manualy is not the point.
We live in 2024, where everything can be automatised and option - MANUALY - is not an option.
Sorry to say but such advise is absolutely - usless not to mention time wasted on MANUAL translation of fx rate for each item.

2024-12-19 10:10

Has the answer   Hello,
Our system offers the option to have 2 currencies in the invoice. However, the account settings is set up for 1 type of currency that the client can choose according to his services or region. You don't need to add manually the currency in your documents because this will be automatically populated, same for currency convertion.
When it comes to warehouses, the documents will automatically be populated according to the invoice you base your warehouse documents or your account settings.
The options that you described you wish to set for your warehouse documents are not available in our system. So we are tying to provide and option to match your specific needs.
You can always try our system for free for 30 days and check if it works for your type of company.

2024-12-19 11:34

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