Hi there,
some of the Spanish translations are incorrect.
Is there a way to modify/edit the different language translations of the field labels?
Custom translations error New
Has the answer
Can you please send us examples (with suggestion of correct translations) of those incorrect phrases in Spanish?
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2020-01-27 10:51
Using a real factura from a Spanish company for reference I will list you the proper translations for some incorrect fields:
Issue date - Fecha de factura
Invoice No. - N° de factura
Payment type - Método de pago
Total net price - Subtotal sin IVA (Base imponible)
The modifications are not too dramatic so it would be best if you allow customisation of the translations for each user in the backend.
Thank you
2020-01-27 11:56
thank you for the insight.
It will be forwarded to our development department.
Kind regards,
2020-02-13 14:40