We need such kind of restrictions on for users that they could only issue invoices, prepayment invoices estimates, add clients and products and nothing more. I mean they should not be able to issue expenses or other documents. Also they should not be able to delete their account. Is that possible?
You can find all type of privileges available in our system by going to Settings > Account settings > Configuration > Users and privileges. A user enabled to issue documents is able to issue all type of documents available in the system. If the suggestion gain a significant number of user’s votes, we will consider its implementation.
Users can’t delete their accounts.
InvoiceOcean allows you to add additional issuer as well as adding recipient.
To add issuer, click on preview of the invoice > Edit > underneath Seller button click "Edit" > recipient click on the invoice > Edit > underneath Buyer button click "Edit" > recipient > Save.
Kind regards,
in Income / All documents dashboard total gross price is not shown correctly, because the total sum of the estimate and invoices related to this estimate are calculated. The gross sum must not include the estimate amount, but only the amounts of the invoices related to this estimate.
The amount reflected as a summary of the column “gross price” is a summary of all values shown on the page. In order to get a correct reflection of income, generate a corresponding report.
Users and privileges suggestion Resolved
We need such kind of restrictions on for users that they could only issue invoices, prepayment invoices estimates, add clients and products and nothing more. I mean they should not be able to issue expenses or other documents. Also they should not be able to delete their account. Is that possible?
You can find all type of privileges available in our system by going to Settings > Account settings > Configuration > Users and privileges. A user enabled to issue documents is able to issue all type of documents available in the system. If the suggestion gain a significant number of user’s votes, we will consider its implementation.
Users can’t delete their accounts.
Seller as Issuer / Buyer as Recipient question Resolved
Is there a way to change the denomination of
Buyer --> Issuer
Seller --> Recipient
on the top of the invoices?
InvoiceOcean allows you to add additional issuer as well as adding recipient.
To add issuer, click on preview of the invoice > Edit > underneath Seller button click "Edit" > recipient click on the invoice > Edit > underneath Buyer button click "Edit" > recipient > Save.
Kind regards,
invoice number question Resolved
In what cases does Invoice Ocean Void an existing invoice number? Can you get a listing of those voided invoices
could you please provide me with more details, some examples?
In InvoiceOcean you may edit invoice number unless it has already been fiscalized.
kind regards,
Michał Borkowski
Specjalista ds. Obsługi Technicznej Klienta +48 22 307 33 42 michal.borkowski@fakturownia.pl
Pomoc do systemu Fakturownia:
Baza wiedzy: http://pomoc.fakturownia.pl
Forum sugestii: http://sugester.fakturownia.pl
Თამარ კეკელიᲫე suggestion Resolved
templates suggestion Resolved
so if I want to modify the template I have to start with one in polish? Umm, that seems like a fixable problem...
which elements of templates, you want to modify ?
package suggestion Resolved
Income / All documents error Resolved
in Income / All documents dashboard total gross price is not shown correctly, because the total sum of the estimate and invoices related to this estimate are calculated. The gross sum must not include the estimate amount, but only the amounts of the invoices related to this estimate.
The amount reflected as a summary of the column “gross price” is a summary of all values shown on the page. In order to get a correct reflection of income, generate a corresponding report.
asdada suggestion Resolved
hola suggestion Resolved
how you doin?
hello, how can I help you?
Softuwer suggestion Resolved
Hello, how may I help you?
how can I pay my bill u have no way of doing do suggestion Resolved
Hi there, I would love to help you but I need some more information. Which bill? What account?
Low inventory notifiacation via email , whatsapp or pop up no page suggestion Resolved
thixpchiywngkh@gmail.com suggestion Resolved
sdad suggestion Resolved
Can I issue a faktura zaliczkowa with your service? question Resolved
how do i delete my account suggestion Resolved
Please send us the information via email with the name of account and API KOD which is available in account seetings > integration