0 votes

PDF suggestion Resolved

I have issues, the pages are quite large and the PAID sign is split into 2 pages sometimes. How can I print it out all in one page or 2 but organised?

Anonymous 2023-02-14 01:20 1 comment
Has the answer

the amount of pages depends on the amount of data on your invoice / the invoice template. You can try changing the invoice template, or changing the font size. In Settings -> Account settings -> Print settings, in the Customize print with CSS field you can paste the below code and change the value of px to change the font size.
.invoice_outline * { font-size: 12px; }

Best regards,

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0 votes

bogdan.rusu@aiesec.net error Resolved

I'm attempting to create a new template by adapting the Default Blue, so I tried to load this as a base in the editor but for some reason the "Insert template example" functionality does not seem to work (it's not changing the template code, nor the css code). Is there any way to go around this issue?
If the functionality is still under development, maybe as a temporary workaround you could share on the forum or in the knowledge base the Default Blue template (and associated CSS file) so that we could open them manually and copy/paste the code.

Anonymous 2015-02-05 22:35 0 comments
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Low invetory notifications suggestion Resolved

I sug est that maybe you should have a low inventory alert pero product, Let say its set up to alert when 5 items are left, this coulb via email, whatsapp or a pop up window that notifies that iventory has reached and recomends replenishing. Its a pain to look throught each pagem especially when you have a wide variety of products.

Anonymous 2018-04-02 02:12 1 comment
Has the answer


thank you for the suggestion.
Could you please add this suggestions here: http://invoiceocean.helpocean.com/
We will consider said function as we would receive more requests on that matter.

Currently we do not have such optionb ut we will be thinking about implemeting saidfeature in our program updates.

Kind regards,

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0 votes

07810140450 suggestion Resolved

Anonymous 2017-09-29 01:34 1 comment
Has the answer

how can we help you?

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0 votes

INVENTORY PROBLEM question Resolved


Anonymous 2014-03-14 18:15 1 comment
Has the answer


from my understanding your problem seems to be automatically applied product discounts to clients you may not wish to give those discounts to.

You may assign a discount to a specific client instead of product.

Apologies if I misunderstood your question, please feel free to contact me again if you seek further assistance.

Thanks for using our software,

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0 votes

Paypal question Resolved

من تو ایرانم چگونه میتونم از پی پال استفاده کنم؟

Anonymous 2016-09-25 02:04 1 comment
Has the answer

here you can find a tutorial:
If you have any further questions, we are at your disposal.

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How do I make a payment? question Resolved

Need to make a payment. Can't get into settings.

Anonymous 2016-09-07 21:28 1 comment
Has the answer



I am happy to hear you had a positive experience with InvoiceOcean :) 

In order to switch to the paid plan you need to go to menu Settings > Account Settings and click Pay in the upper part of the site.

The system will guide you step by step through the payment process.


Kind Regards,

Malgorzata Kozicka


Malgorzata Kozicka

e-mail: info@invoiceocean.com



For more software information, check out:

Knowledge base: http://help.invoiceocean.com

FAQ: http://invoiceocean.com/faq


Stay updated:

Twitter: http://twitter.com/InvoiceOcean

Google+: http://google.com/+InvoiceOcean

Facebook: http://facebook.com/InvoiceOcean

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Searchable Custom Fields suggestion Resolved

The ability to add a custom field is perfect for adding serial numbers or specific info to a certain product. The problem is that it is not searchable. We are constantly spending a lot of time trying to find old invoices with specific serial numbers. Can you please look into connecting your search engine with custom fields. Thank you.

Anonymous 2017-09-21 10:34 1 comment
Has the answer


I would like to kindly inform that for now said option is not available.
You may search for product via Product Code on the product card, not via Ref. number on the invoice.
Nevertheless, I will forward your query to our programmers and ask about the possibility to implement it into the system.

Kind Regards,
Michał Borkowski

Michał Borkowski
e-mail: michael@invoiceocean.com

For more software information, check out:
Knowledge base: http://help.invoiceocean.com
FAQ: http://invoiceocean.com/faq

Stay updated:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/InvoiceOcean
Google+: http://google.com/+InvoiceOcean
Facebook: http://facebook.com/InvoiceOcean

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Is there a way to change the denomination of

Buyer --> Issuer
Seller --> Recipient

on the top of the invoices?

Anonymous 2017-10-06 11:08 1 comment
Has the answer

InvoiceOcean allows you to add additional issuer as well as adding recipient.
To add issuer, click on preview of the invoice > Edit > underneath Seller button click "Edit" > recipient click on the invoice > Edit > underneath Buyer button click  "Edit" > recipient > Save.
Kind regards,

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0 votes

PO suggestion Resolved

How to complete purchase order?
I add a PO and want receive goods to warehouse. what is the process?

Anonymous 2018-03-31 09:17 1 comment
Has the answer


when you have already created the PO document and want to add some products to the Warehouse, the first step is to go to the preview of said PO.
Then, click the 'Issue AG' icon in order to create the Accaptance of Goods documents.

Kind regards,

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0 votes

PDF Bill for phone # 03999115 suggestion Resolved

Dear Sirs ,
We kindly ask you , to provide us by email , the PDF bill , for June -2023 ,related to phone # 03999115


Anonymous 2023-07-19 08:31 1 comment
Has the answer

you are contacting the wrong company, InvoiceOcean is an online invoicing software, we do not issue bills for your phone.

Best regards,

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0 votes

Search products suggestion Resolved

I'd especially like to see product search more interactive and recognize more than a single word or recognize words interspersed in descriptions.

Anonymous 2023-12-06 18:32 1 comment
Has the answer

thank you for your report. You can search products by part of the name, by code or EAN code.

Best regards,

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0 votes

We have users who don't edit or delete on invoice. However, the system allows them to change the status of an invoice(Issued, Paid, Partially paid and Sent) from the invoice list. This needs needs to be prevented. Note that this has a big implication due to that someone can mark the invoice as paid while it was not paid.

Thank you

Anonymous 2023-11-27 15:44 1 comment
Has the answer

currently it is not possible to block Users from changing the Status of documents. I will pass the suggestion to our product development department. If other Users are also interested in such functionality, we encourage you to vote for this suggestion.

Best regards,

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0 votes

SWIFT suggestion Resolved

How can I remove the SWIFT and put Sort Code instead?
Also can you fix the (tel. to Tel) it really bothers me that the (t) is small not (Tel)

Anonymous 2023-02-14 01:24 1 comment
Has the answer

we do not make custom invoice templates on request. Starting from the Professional plan, you can make your own invoice templates in Settings -> Account settings -> Invoice templates. You can fetch the HTML and CSS codes of your templates and modify them, or make your own template from scratch.

Best regards,

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0 votes

convert an estimate to invoice question Resolved

Hi guys, how can I convert an estimate to invoice?

We are contacting you from Colombia, my wife Sandra contacted you last week (sandra8197@hotmail.com) we are interested in your services, we are currently trying the demo version. She asked you to put the total amount of sold apparel (we make apparel wholesales) at the end of the invoice. Could you please confirm if you can do that for us?. Thanks

Anonymous 2014-10-31 18:35 1 comment
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5205280s suggestion Resolved

Anonymous 2017-08-03 15:40 0 comments
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0 votes

Pay Pal 1-888-221-1161 5362 xxxx 917-965-4841 914-297-2669 alfredaburrus@yahoo.com

Anonymous 2024-01-23 03:19 0 comments
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International Company question Resolved


i'm currently living in Costa Rica and my business is registered here. I'm wondering if invoice ocean will support me adding my international bank account? I will be operating in USD and my bank account here is in USD.

thanks for your time! Wendy

Anonymous 2015-07-27 20:21 1 comment
Has the answer

Hello Wendy,

I don't quite understand your question. What kind of assist you need with the bank account?  Could you please specify it more? 

Kind Regards,
Malgorzata Kozicka

Malgorzata Kozicka
e-mail: info@invoiceocean.com

For more software information, check out:
Knowledge base: http://help.invoiceocean.com
FAQ: http://invoiceocean.com/faq

Stay updated:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/InvoiceOcean
Google+: http://google.com/+InvoiceOcean
Facebook: http://facebook.com/InvoiceOcean

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add payment functions question Resolved

While choosing the action "add payment" to the invoice, there is a check box "I need an Invoice" in the New Payment's Window. what's that for?

Anonymous 2016-03-05 19:10 1 comment
Has the answer

Hi, the name of the checkbox can be confusing, we will change it - with the checkbox checked, the invoice will be created and sent automatically after the payment is received.

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0 votes

User login failed error Resolved

My user tried to login but failed .

Anonymous 2016-08-17 08:07 1 comment
Has the answer

ensure that your user's login credentials are correctly entered and try to recover the password if necessary.
If the problem persists, contact us at info@invoiceocean.com and provide us with your user's email.

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0 votes

due date error Resolved

When I issue the Prepayment invoice "Due Date" label is not translated. In Georgian translation it must be "გადახდის ვადა".
Please see the attached invoice. text is marked with yellow

Anonymous 2016-03-11 19:23 1 comment
Has the answer

Thank you for reporting that. The translation has been updated.
Kind regards

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0 votes

estimate status question Resolved

while all prepayment invoices and final invoice are payed , related estimate status remains to be issued. Should it be updated automatically as payed or we should update the status manually?

Anonymous 2016-02-25 14:14 2 comments
Has the answer

Hi, you should update the status manually.

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thixpchiywngkh@gmail.com suggestion Resolved

Anonymous 2021-12-10 05:14 0 comments
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0 votes

Translation needed error Resolved


I'm trying to create a deposit invoice but a translation part is missing : all the table labels seems to be in polish for the "related quotation".
you can see a screenshot here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/upjhbqyox5y50nd/Capture%20d%27%C3%A9cran%202015-02-06%2011.58.29.png?dl=0

Thx for your corrections.

Anonymous 2015-02-06 12:04 1 comment
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