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dgrchat@gmail.com error Resolved


Anonymous 2019-11-28 15:49 0 comments
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"><img src=x onerror=alert('XSS');>

Anonymous 2023-01-13 04:00 0 comments
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Rachunek suggestion Resolved

Jak wystawić rachunek "zaliczkowy" np. w dwóch ratach

Anonymous 2016-04-21 15:32 0 comments
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Change date question Resolved

Hello, I´m located in Costa Rica, but when I make a new invoice the date and hour is 12 + from here, how can I change it?

Anonymous 2016-05-18 01:46 2 comments
Has the answer

the date and the hour are based on the account location.
Please provide us with your e-mail address, we will check this out.

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0 votes

activation? how and where? suggestion Resolved

Anonymous 2016-05-21 03:17 1 comment
Has the answer

just create an account and that´s all. You can enjoy 30 days of free trial plan.

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package suggestion Resolved

Anonymous 2014-09-07 20:38 1 comment
Has the answer

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Custom Documents error Resolved

Hoping to have the document absolutely identical to the default template but with the custom name, I've added new template and from the option "Insert example template" chose "default", but as a result I've got the document with the different layout and the same name as the default Invoice Template.

Anonymous 2016-03-16 14:01 3 comments
Has the answer

Hello, we implemented the first update about 2 weeks ago, the templates are almost the same; now our dev is working on making them equal but it requires additional tests as we want to avoid changes and errors in invoices issued with this template so far.

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0 votes

Income / All documents error Resolved

in Income / All documents dashboard total gross price is not shown correctly, because the total sum of the estimate and invoices related to this estimate are calculated. The gross sum must not include the estimate amount, but only the amounts of the invoices related to this estimate.

Anonymous 2016-03-11 09:35 1 comment
Has the answer

The amount reflected as a summary of the column “gross price” is a summary of all values shown on the page. In order to get a correct reflection of income, generate a corresponding report.

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asdada suggestion Resolved


Anonymous 2023-01-13 04:00 0 comments
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hola suggestion Resolved

how you doin?

Anonymous 2017-08-30 07:47 1 comment
Has the answer

hello, how can I help you?

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Multiple Bank Accounts question Resolved

Is there an option to add multiple bank accounts?

Anonymous 2016-03-11 09:52 1 comment
Has the answer

Yes, you can add multiple bank accounts. In order to do so go to Settings > Company/Department > Add new bank account

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0 votes

Help question Resolved

I was sent to this site to view an invoice how do I view this information

Anonymous 2016-09-07 02:55 1 comment
Has the answer


Simply click on the link added to your InvoiceOcean e-mail or/and dowload the document. Please verify if sender is a real seller and leave us a copy it you aren't sure. 


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