I'm trying to create an Invoice from API. All works fine except "Issuer" field.
I have department which has "'use_correspondence_address" = true and "use_invoice_issuer" = true.
Then I create an invoice with "department_id" = xxx, and additionally set "issuer" and "use_issuer" fields (because they are not set from department from API). After invoice is created - Issuer is not displayed anywhere.
But if I open this Invoice and press "Save" - it become visible on the template. The API object of saved invoice is the same as API object of invoice inserted from API.
This is pretty critical for us, because we need to create invoices with Issuer from API.
thank you for the email.
Your issue has been forwarded to our programmer's department.
We will get back to you as soon as possible with the answer.
Should you have more questions please ask.
Kind Regards,
regarding the InvoiceOcean Terms of Service said option costs 20% of the basic price of the chosen Subscription Plan (https://invoiceocean.com/terms-of-service).
Would you like to receive proforma due to the above?
Kind regards,
sometimes we need to send our suppliers - Purchase order (we using document "Client Order" in Expenses)
and for this document we need numbering, numbering generated only in Sales module, not in expenses.
also we need our logo in this blank.
the numbering in the 'Expenses' section should be the same as the number on the document you have received.
In order to change said number, please go to preview of the document, then 'Edit'.
Kind regard,
InvoiceOcean allows you to change the format of invoice numbering, in order to do this navigate to Settings > Account settings > Invoice numbering > Default format of invoice numbering and select your preferred option. Whenever you create a new invoice the new numbering format will apply to all new invoices, the old invoices will remain unchanged, but can be changed manually. To go back to the default settings, repeat the process.
1. You need to create buying documents in expenses.
2. To make a document based on Proforma Invoice just go to the invoice preview and on top of the menu click "More options" > "add similar" and then change the Kind of document. Also you have an option - Convert to invoice.
Hi I noticed when issuing purchase order you dont have the facility to download to pdf or add second language like you can for invoice, the facility of the invoice should also be available for a PO
could you please provide me with an example of said function? Maybe send me screenshots?
InvoiceOcean allows you to add a new client, we do not have such option, like the possibility to add 'supplier' field.
Kind regards,
if you want to add invoices from your suppliers (including also all the data on the invoie), you have to enable the 'Expenses' on your InvoiceOcean account.
To do go to: Settings > Account settings > Your account > Expenses > checkbox 'Expenses' > Save.
Afterwards, you just simply have to add new expense (Expenses > Add new expense)
Kind regards,
Is it possible to issue invoices with different selling price to different customers from warehouse documents without having to key in manually the price each time
I would like to inform that unfortunately such option is not available in the system.
You may add the different selling prices by adding the same product to a different warehouses (Product edit > checkbox 'Separate sales price for warehouses').
Kind regrads,
due to our Terms of Service, removing the phrase ‘Generated in InvoiceOcean.com’ from the invoice footer is priced at 20% of the value of the User’s current subscription plan.
do you want me to perform a proforma invoce regarding to said matter?
I sug est that maybe you should have a low inventory alert pero product, Let say its set up to alert when 5 items are left, this coulb via email, whatsapp or a pop up window that notifies that iventory has reached and recomends replenishing. Its a pain to look throught each pagem especially when you have a wide variety of products.
thank you for the suggestion.
Could you please add this suggestions here: http://invoiceocean.helpocean.com/
We will consider said function as we would receive more requests on that matter.
Currently we do not have such optionb ut we will be thinking about implemeting saidfeature in our program updates.
Please suggestion New
how can we help you?
Please suggestion New
Issuer is not displayed for invoices created from API error New
I'm trying to create an Invoice from API. All works fine except "Issuer" field.
I have department which has "'use_correspondence_address" = true and "use_invoice_issuer" = true.
Then I create an invoice with "department_id" = xxx, and additionally set "issuer" and "use_issuer" fields (because they are not set from department from API). After invoice is created - Issuer is not displayed anywhere.
But if I open this Invoice and press "Save" - it become visible on the template. The API object of saved invoice is the same as API object of invoice inserted from API.
This is pretty critical for us, because we need to create invoices with Issuer from API.
thank you for the email.
Your issue has been forwarded to our programmer's department.
We will get back to you as soon as possible with the answer.
Should you have more questions please ask.
Kind Regards,
englisj suggestion New
removing footer suggestion New
Hello.. How do I remove the "powered by invoice ocean" that appears at the bottom right of my invoices?
regarding the InvoiceOcean Terms of Service said option costs 20% of the basic price of the chosen Subscription Plan (https://invoiceocean.com/terms-of-service).
Would you like to receive proforma due to the above?
Kind regards,
Shipping costs question New
Hi Ive been trying your services via the 30 day trial and I cant seem to find a way to add shipping costs to our invoices. Can you help with that?
we do not provide such document like the 'shipping costs'.
However, you may create your own, custom name of a document
Kind regards,
numbering for document Client order in expenses question New
sometimes we need to send our suppliers - Purchase order (we using document "Client Order" in Expenses)
and for this document we need numbering, numbering generated only in Sales module, not in expenses.
also we need our logo in this blank.
the numbering in the 'Expenses' section should be the same as the number on the document you have received.
In order to change said number, please go to preview of the document, then 'Edit'.
Kind regard,
Documents numbering question New
How can I make Document numbering for our company "Purchase order" ?
InvoiceOcean allows you to change the format of invoice numbering, in order to do this navigate to Settings > Account settings > Invoice numbering > Default format of invoice numbering and select your preferred option. Whenever you create a new invoice the new numbering format will apply to all new invoices, the old invoices will remain unchanged, but can be changed manually. To go back to the default settings, repeat the process.
Kind regards,
document flow question Resolved
Dear Ocean Team.
we have following documents in our work
Sales documents sequence:
Angebot(estimate) > Proforma Rechnung (proforma Invoice) > Rechnung (invoice) > Liefershein
Buying documents sequence:
Bestellanfrage (quotation request) > Bestellung (Purchase order) > Eingangsrechnung (incoming Invoice)
with sales documents we do this in "Income" button.
1. But where i need to make buying documents? in expenses or warehousedocuments?
2. Also, can i make Bestellung (Purchase order) document from the document Proforma Invoice,
with saving all product positions inside of the document?
Dear Ocean User,
1. You need to create buying documents in expenses.
2. To make a document based on Proforma Invoice just go to the invoice preview and on top of the menu click "More options" > "add similar" and then change the Kind of document. Also you have an option - Convert to invoice.
Kind regards,
Hứa Tiến Hứa Tiên suggestion New
hứa tiến hứa tiên
To make beanies suggestion Resolved
I will like to join
purchase order suggestion New
Hi I noticed when issuing purchase order you dont have the facility to download to pdf or add second language like you can for invoice, the facility of the invoice should also be available for a PO
how do you change from one company to another on this software question New
how to change and invoice from one company to another if you have several companies setup or divisions
regarading your query, please find this instruction to be helpful: (https://help.invoiceocean.com/23396236-How-to-change-the-company-division-while-performing-the-invoice-).
Kind regards,
how do you add a new supplier suggestion New
how do you add a new supplier its not like adding a new client
could you please provide me with an example of said function? Maybe send me screenshots?
InvoiceOcean allows you to add a new client, we do not have such option, like the possibility to add 'supplier' field.
Kind regards,
Suppliers question New
Hi is there anywhere I can enter in suppliers and invoice data received from them ?
if you want to add invoices from your suppliers (including also all the data on the invoie), you have to enable the 'Expenses' on your InvoiceOcean account.
To do go to: Settings > Account settings > Your account > Expenses > checkbox 'Expenses' > Save.
Afterwards, you just simply have to add new expense (Expenses > Add new expense)
Kind regards,
12083292392 error Resolved
how can we help you?
kawsar praise New
0570159941 suggestion New
hi v49
Issuing invoice with different selling price to different customers question Resolved
Is it possible to issue invoices with different selling price to different customers from warehouse documents without having to key in manually the price each time
I would like to inform that unfortunately such option is not available in the system.
You may add the different selling prices by adding the same product to a different warehouses (Product edit > checkbox 'Separate sales price for warehouses').
Kind regrads,
Why i got ERROR 503 PAGE CAN NOT BE LOADED ... error Resolved
please i need to access my account, urgent
I would like to inform that recently we had some maintenance works in the system.
Right now you should be able to login into your account without any problem.
Should you have any questions please ask.
Kind regards,
Please get back Online ASAP suggestion New
could you please describe your issue?
Kind regards,
Info question New
Hallo, can i print the invoice without internet connection ?
0867698536 praise Resolved
how can we help you?
Footer suggestion New
I want to remove footer invoice ocean.
How can i remove it?
Any charges??
due to our Terms of Service, removing the phrase ‘Generated in InvoiceOcean.com’ from the invoice footer is priced at 20% of the value of the User’s current subscription plan.
do you want me to perform a proforma invoce regarding to said matter?
Kind regards,
Low invetory notifications suggestion Resolved
I sug est that maybe you should have a low inventory alert pero product, Let say its set up to alert when 5 items are left, this coulb via email, whatsapp or a pop up window that notifies that iventory has reached and recomends replenishing. Its a pain to look throught each pagem especially when you have a wide variety of products.
thank you for the suggestion.
Could you please add this suggestions here: http://invoiceocean.helpocean.com/
We will consider said function as we would receive more requests on that matter.
Currently we do not have such optionb ut we will be thinking about implemeting saidfeature in our program updates.
Kind regards,