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Please suggestion New


Anonymous 2019-10-04 10:49 1 comment
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Please suggestion New


Anonymous 2019-10-04 10:49 1 comment
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0 votes

I'm trying to create an Invoice from API. All works fine except "Issuer" field.
I have department which has "'use_correspondence_address" = true and "use_invoice_issuer" = true.
Then I create an invoice with "department_id" = xxx, and additionally set "issuer" and "use_issuer" fields (because they are not set from department from API). After invoice is created - Issuer is not displayed anywhere.

But if I open this Invoice and press "Save" - it become visible on the template. The API object of saved invoice is the same as API object of invoice inserted from API.

This is pretty critical for us, because we need to create invoices with Issuer from API.

Anonymous 2019-07-10 13:01 1 comment
Has the answer

thank you for the email.
Your issue has been forwarded to our programmer's department.
We will get back to you as soon as possible with the answer.
Should you have more questions please ask.
Kind Regards,

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0 votes

englisj suggestion New


Anonymous 2019-05-25 11:15 0 comments
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removing footer suggestion New

Hello.. How do I remove the "powered by invoice ocean" that appears at the bottom right of my invoices?

Anonymous 2019-05-14 14:19 1 comment
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regarding the InvoiceOcean Terms of Service said option costs 20% of the basic price of the chosen Subscription Plan (https://invoiceocean.com/terms-of-service).
Would you like to receive proforma due to the above?
Kind regards,

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0 votes

Shipping costs question New

Hi Ive been trying your services via the 30 day trial and I cant seem to find a way to add shipping costs to our invoices. Can you help with that?

Anonymous 2019-04-24 10:53 1 comment
Has the answer

we do not provide such document like the 'shipping costs'.
However, you may create your own, custom name of a document
Kind regards,

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0 votes

sometimes we need to send our suppliers - Purchase order (we using document "Client Order" in Expenses)
and for this document we need numbering, numbering generated only in Sales module, not in expenses.
also we need our logo in this blank.

quadindustry 2019-04-22 16:44 2 comments
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the numbering in the 'Expenses' section should be the same as the number on the document you have received.
In order to change said number, please go to preview of the document, then 'Edit'.
Kind regard,

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Hứa Tiến Hứa Tiên suggestion New

hứa tiến hứa tiên

Anonymous 2019-03-06 11:00 0 comments
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purchase order suggestion New

Hi I noticed when issuing purchase order you dont have the facility to download to pdf or add second language like you can for invoice, the facility of the invoice should also be available for a PO

Anonymous 2019-01-22 00:43 0 comments
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0 votes

how do you add a new supplier its not like adding a new client

Anonymous 2019-01-17 21:54 3 comments
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could you please provide me with an example of said function? Maybe send me screenshots?
InvoiceOcean allows you to add a new client, we do not have such option, like the possibility to add 'supplier' field.
Kind regards,

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0 votes

how to change and invoice from one company to another if you have several companies setup or divisions

Anonymous 2019-01-20 14:06 1 comment
Has the answer

regarading your query, please find this instruction to be helpful: (https://help.invoiceocean.com/23396236-How-to-change-the-company-division-while-performing-the-invoice-).
Kind regards,

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0 votes

Suppliers question New

Hi is there anywhere I can enter in suppliers and invoice data received from them ?

Anonymous 2018-09-21 17:28 1 comment
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if you want to add invoices from your suppliers (including also all the data on the invoie), you have to enable the 'Expenses' on your InvoiceOcean account.
To do go to: Settings > Account settings > Your account > Expenses > checkbox 'Expenses' > Save.
Afterwards, you just simply have to add new expense (Expenses > Add new expense)
Kind regards,

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0 votes

Footer suggestion New

I want to remove footer invoice ocean.
How can i remove it?
Any charges??

Anonymous 2018-04-02 08:07 1 comment
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due to our Terms of Service, removing the phrase ‘Generated in InvoiceOcean.com’ from the invoice footer is priced at 20% of the value of the User’s current subscription plan.

do you want me to perform a proforma invoce regarding to said matter?

Kind regards,

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0 votes

kawsar praise New


Anonymous 2018-08-03 02:52 0 comments
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0570159941 suggestion New

hi v49

Anonymous 2018-08-03 02:51 0 comments
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Anonymous 2018-07-13 00:59 1 comment
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could you please describe your issue?
Kind regards,

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0 votes

Info question New

Hallo, can i print the invoice without internet connection ?

Anonymous 2018-05-01 03:20 0 comments
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PO question New

how to add purchase orders and receive goods?

Anonymous 2018-03-31 09:06 0 comments
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deleting other account question New

how can i delete my other accounts? i want to get rid of them and use only my default account

Anonymous 2018-03-22 15:05 0 comments
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can I add the weight and size (CBM) of each product to your system and get a total of the weight and CBM on each invoice?

Anonymous 2018-02-21 19:55 1 comment
Has the answer

One of the ways that you could potentially solve this issue is by using the 'Additional entry on the invoice' setting. To enable it please navigate to:

Settings > Account Settings > Configuration > Invoices and Documents > Additional entry on the invoice.

Here you can specify the weight/size of each product and have it shown on your invoice.

To further help you I suggest you email me; olaf@invoiceocean.com.


Olaf Krysik

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Date Format question New

How can I change date format to be January 15, 2018 ?

Jalpajoshi 2018-01-31 08:06 3 comments
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could you please describe where exactly you would like to change the date format?
Kind regards,

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0 votes

I want to use Image in Invoice Document Template Footer.
Is this possible to set Image as Footer?

Jalpajoshi 2018-01-31 08:00 1 comment
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tax suggestion New

how to change tax on all product

Anonymous 2018-01-08 13:02 1 comment
Has the answer

you can change it by editing your products one by one.
If you have any further questions we are at your disposal.

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0 votes

aa suggestion New


Anonymous 2017-12-21 15:14 0 comments
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Payment suggestion New

Anonymous 2017-09-18 04:06 1 comment
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Hello, how can we help you?

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